Renovating On A Budget
Renovate only where it’s needed:
First thing’s first, work out what areas really need a renovation. Whilst you may not love your guest room, how often does it get used? Can it be spruced up with a simple coat of paint? By minimizing the spaces that require a full overhaul, you’ll save a fortune on renovation costs, and can use the extra money to invest in something for a better-used space.

Quality first:
When it comes to renovating, it’s best to work by the motto ‘Do it Right, Do it Once’. Whilst it may be tempting to cut corners and reduce costs, today’s saving may end up being tomorrow’s splurge if you substitute high quality work for DIY. If you need to fully revamp your bathroom, this may be a costly endeavour, but one that’s definitely best left to the professionals. If you scrimp on costs in a place like the bathroom, which requires expert plumbing and waterproofing, it may cost you down the line

Where to Save:
In most cases, cheaper items wear out more quickly, so it’s best to spend your money where it really counts. Spending a little more on items that are highly interacted with in the home, such as taps, light switches, and handles is a good idea, and then you can cut back on more surface-level amenities such as wall-paper, and lamp shades. You can also cut costs on kitchen amenities such as ovens, microwaves and fridges by shopping the sales, which leads us to…
Shop Around:
Shopping around to look for the best deals is a great way to save on costs. If you’re shopping for fixtures and amenities, peruse comparison sites and big-store competitors to see where offers the best deals. If you’re not on a tight deadline, hold off purchasing amenities until large sale days, such as Black Friday where many stores do sales of up to 50% off.

Get Crafty:
If you have a penchant for DIY and know your way around a glue gun, hammer and screwdriver, get crafty with your home renovation! There are many aesthetic things you can do to reduce costs in your home renovation, whilst still making maximum impact. Installing wall-panelling, painting and reviving furniture with new paint and hardware are a few simple ways to reduce costs whilst still adding unique finishes to your home.
Work with what you’ve got:
Sometimes, it’s as much about preserving and restoring as it is about renovating. If your home has beautiful period or heritage features, work to preserve and accentuate these rather than remove them. In many cases, heritage features can add value to your home, and what’s more, they’ve already stood the test of time and have proven themselves to be strong and durable.

Do your due diligence:
If you’re renovating on a budget, a great, cost-effective contractor is your secret to success! Take your time to shop around, ask friends, family and coworkers if they have a contractor they can recommend. A great contractor is worth their weight in gold! If you don’t know where to start, peruse social media accounts and websites to see their portfolios.
There are many ways that you can renovate on a budget, and breathing new life into your home needn’t be a financial burden. Proper preparation, a great contractor and a little patience are the keys to success in renovating your home without breaking the bank.
“In many cases, heritage features can add value to your home, and what’s more, they’ve already stood the test of time and have proven themselves to be strong and durable.”

“In many cases, heritage features can add value to your home, and what’s more, they’ve already stood the test of time and have proven themselves to be strong and durable.”
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