
OpenForm Pavers

Leading modern designs to outdoor architecture, these pavers live up to an undeniable calibre and style.

A product of Australia’s premier masonry plant, the chic and understated look of the Open Form Pavers offer a subtle yet advanced architectural addition to any home and backyard. With 3 colourways fit for any type of layout, these pavers incite creativity as they are an effective option for any space. From the interior courtyard of an office building to the backyard of someone's first home, OpenForm will transform any space in the blink of an eye. By allowing  greenery to grow in between the brick pattern, the eyes are naturally drawn to the intricate, yet simplistic, design; yielding an elevation to any configuration.

With three colourways (Porcelain Honed, Grey Smooth, and Charcoal Honed), the pavers offer many versatile design options that permit them to be customised to seamlessly blend with the aesthetic of any existing space. The choice of configuration empowers designers and homeowners alike to seamlessly blend the pavers with existing landscapes. With a preexisting landscape of grass, the pavers lend a new perspective by providing the perfect balance between structure and natural beauty. This flexibility enables them to enhance various architectural styles and adapt to anyone's preferences.

During a time where sustainable practices in architecture are vital, OpenForm Pavers set themselves apart from the crowd in their reduction of environmental footprint. With the utilisation of less concrete in practice, OpenForm Pavers solidify themselves as a step forward in eco-friendly construction solutions, encouraging biodiversity through the implementation of vegetation.


Whether incorporating grass, native plants, or selected flowers of one's choosing, the pavers not only enhance the visual appeal of a landscape but also promote natural water absorption.

Product Snapshot
Porcelain Honed Standard Paver
Grey Smooth Standard Paver
Charcoal Honed Standard Paver
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