Welcome to the first episode of Design on Display, a new series by Brickworks. This series 'Design on Display' takes viewers on a tour through some of Australia's leading builder display homes. Hosted by Eliza O'Hare, Editor-in-Chief of Inside Out Magazine, Eliza takes us through 'The Brooklyn', a home that is industrial in aesthetic and family oriented in function.
Harnessing the striking impact of contrasting brickwork, The Gabriella by Crystelehomes is a lesson in durable design. Our host, Eliza O’Hare, editor-in-chief of Inside Out Magazine, examines The Gabriella highlights the possibilities of multi-brick residences, using the robust and versatile materiality to create a unique look that will last generations.
Lachlan Nielsen and Morgan Jenkins of Brisbane-based architecture practice, Nielsen Jenkins, share their sources of inspiration behind their intimately considerate and innovative projects.
Deeply immersed in their individual context, retail giants Aēsop, Sir The Label, and COS demonstrate how considered design elevates customer experience.
Celebrating outstanding builds, the winners of the 2024 National Architecture Awards reflect a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility.
Set within the beautiful leafy suburb of Newfarm, Cross Street by Aphora Architecture addresses Australia’s ageing population and city density by utilising materiality to accommodate a variety of inhabitants.
Deeply immersed in their individual context, retail giants Aēsop, Sir The Label, and COS demonstrate how considered design elevates customer experience.
Celebrating outstanding builds, the winners of the 2024 National Architecture Awards reflect a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility.
Deeply immersed in their individual context, retail giants Aēsop, Sir The Label, and COS demonstrate how considered design elevates customer experience.
Celebrating outstanding builds, the winners of the 2024 National Architecture Awards reflect a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility.
Lachlan Nielsen and Morgan Jenkins of Brisbane-based architecture practice, Nielsen Jenkins, share their sources of inspiration behind their intimately considerate and innovative projects.
Set within the beautiful leafy suburb of Newfarm, Cross Street by Aphora Architecture addresses Australia’s ageing population and city density by utilising materiality to accommodate a variety of inhabitants.
Lachlan Nielsen and Morgan Jenkins of Brisbane-based architecture practice, Nielsen Jenkins, share their sources of inspiration behind their intimately considerate and innovative projects.
Set within the beautiful leafy suburb of Newfarm, Cross Street by Aphora Architecture addresses Australia’s ageing population and city density by utilising materiality to accommodate a variety of inhabitants.